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William Glisson @AndrewGlisson11

Age 29, Male




Joined on 12/10/06

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i agree
i hate religion 2
but im not gonna bug ppl about it and be like

I find religious beleifs to be very obnoxious.
but you won't see me PMing religious people with obnoxious shit like "SCREW YOU ASSHOLE THERE IS NO GOD BECOME AN ATHEIST OR DIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!"

I think that all people have there own beliefs, and any form of trying to force yours on someone else is really shitty. People should keep there ideas to themselves, and not worry about others.

Anybody who dissagrees can go fuck themselves.

"I think that all people have there own beliefs, and any form of trying to force yours on someone else is really shitty."

yes, I am only trying to share my opinion, not convert others.

"People should keep there ideas to themselves, and not worry about others."

does that mean i can't share my opinion?

i don't feel comfortable talking about it on real life, but on the internet, no one knows me in real life so I like to talk about it here.

I completely agree with you man.
You say it like it is.


7IsUnlucky would probably put it as "there is no god! its as simple as that, so if you r religious, go die in a fire!!!!! lol wtf"

Sure you can share your opinion, I only mean it pisses me off when people expect to make a difference in the way others think religiously.

Mostly I am refering to the fucked up little prodistent churches, religion is fine with me when it isn't based on converting people so you can have them help you convert more people.
Those churches have no purpose but to rise in numbers and get more money.

yeah, religion is somthing you do to gain money and power.

any moron can start thair own religion. all you need is a series of uniqe ideas, and enough gullable people to belive in it and conver others to it.

i'll call my new religion "AndrewGlisson11ism" the story of this religion is that an awesome newgrounds user named AndrewGlisson11 suddenly becomes all-powerfull for no reson and decides to become god.

although newgrounds has only been arounds for a few years, andrewglisson11 was born before anything ever happened. he created the entire fucking universe over a process of billions of years just so that mankind can screw thair planet up with pollution and other shit.

andrew is a very vile and cruel god who doesn't give a shit what the fuck is going on on earth. he didn't do anything to stop pedos from rapeing children or religious based wars where many inocent people are killed for pathetic religious reasons, such as the hollocaust. even though he hates gays, he allows them to be born anyways just to piss his followers off. if people don't beleive in andrewglisson11, he strikes them with lightning the minute they say it out loud.

he gleefully lets his followers torture his non-followers with really cruel punnishments. he once even chopped someones dick off and stragled the person with it.

there is no heaven. only hell. he makes everyone on the planet suffer through life and then suffer even more in hell.

when he had a son, he killed his son instantly just for the hell of it.


thats just a parody of religion.

And everybody talks more ballsy on the internet, it is like our little outlet or some crap.


Hmm, well, first of all--if I stated right now whether I had religious beliefs or not, you would judge my point differently. Now, regardless of that, hear me out.

Your first reason - Evolutionism, and multiple 'scientific' theories have not been proven. How does that make it any better than any and all religions? Science should be separated from that of being science itself, and 'science' being that that contradicts all religions. Science is defined by Merriam-Webster as:
Knowledge; knowledge of principles and causes; ascertained truth of facts.
'ascertained truth of facts' does not mean 'there is a very small chance it could have happened'. You could say that baking soda+vinegar=inflation, that is science (basic science, of course). However, saying humans are related to birds is absurd and unproven.

Your second reason - Well, with this, you're already contradicting yourself. You're saying you still, even mildly, hate or view people with different religious beliefs than yourself (every religion) as ignorant. If you believed in the 'Big Bang', and you heard someone say that they believed that God placed us on Earth, you would probably dislike that person if they argued against your atheist beliefs.
Many people follow a religion for more than 'fear tactics'. Some don't fear damnation, a lot of people follow their beliefs because they think it is right to praise the deity that gave you life. I see a good point in that, personally.
When you see preachers attempting to convert you to their religion, it is not often just for the point of annoying you. They see that they care about other people, and following their beliefs, they don't want to see you be punished in the afterlife. Instead of scorning them, you should thank them for looking out for you.

Your third reason - Nothing is perfect. This I cannot fully argue against you, as I believe God works in mysterious ways, more complex than that to be understand by humans, and I do not know what God thinks. There will always be imperfections in the universe, whether it is caused by God, Satan, or whoever. I do not know.

Your fourth reason - You also go to say religion is one of the main causes of war. This could be said, but only because it is a thing of history, and religion was held by a lot more people in the past, which made it a larger deal. The Crusades did lead a large religious war, yes. But, if you had seen the South Park episode 'Go, God, Go! XVI' or something along those lines, you see that even the atheists held religious wars over different atheist theories. Not saying South Park is the right judge of all religions, but it does have a good point. There will always be wars, debates, arguments, over everything. You can't fight it. Adolf Hitler was crazed, he even thought he was Jesus. However, don't blame religion for that, if someone is crazy, you can't help it.

Atheism is practically a religion. It is a belief shared by many, so when you go ahead and call everyone who believes in a religion ignorant, shut up and don't make a fool of yourself.

"Hmm, well, first of all--if I stated right now whether I had religious beliefs or not, you would judge my point differently. Now, regardless of that, hear me out."


science is not only more logical, but also it is possible to be proven. most science has been proven, wheras no religious beleif has ever been proven. also, religion can't possibly be proven. science can be proven. one thing i've noticed is that most religions are set up to be hard to disprove, but they still end up mostly disproven by science. there is much evidence of evolution, but no evidence of createtionism. there are fossils that are millions of years old, but cristians continue to belive that the univers is 6000 years old.

ignorence is simply not knowing. religious people do not know that they are beliveing in somthing false. you call that hate?

and also, most of it all is fear tactics. why beleive in one god/deity if you could belive in another? fear tactics force you to choose what god to worship. if these fear tactics scared me, i would surely be a christion. the only athiests in my ENTIRE FAMILY are me and my mom. i know conversion isn't for the point of annoyence. its because they, well, actually what you said. they do want everyone to go to heaven usually, but they do not realise that it is slightly based on a need for power.

one thing i've noticed is that god allowed hitler to kill so many millions of innocent jews in such brutal ways, he didn't care that durring the crusedes, his followers where killing people for THINKING that they did sacreligious things such as spitting on the cross without any evidence that they actually did it... but seriously... tortureing people for spitting on a peice of wood shaped like a cross is really rediculus. he never did anything about pedophiles rapeing children.

why didn't god just strike hitler with lighning and end the holocaust for good? did he like those jews being killed? why did he let people rape young children? does he think the children deserve that? why didn't he just tell the crusaders to stop killing? why doesn't he just show up now and convince me to beleive in his religion? god works in mysterious ways" can't explain this. religious people will do anything to make thair beleifs sound logical. no logical person would let this crap happen.

I already know that atheism is practically a religion. but it is more probable than any other religion. everyone is ignorent in some sence.



crap, my dad caught me useing newgrounds (my stupid parents won't let me on this site) i probably won't be online as much anymore.

oh andrew, sucks about your parents finding out about this site, my mom knows I submit movies here, and she watches them at work when she is bored. She doesn't really have a problem with it.
Oh and Bigmamakatie said "tl:dr" That means, "too long, didn't read"

yeah, but my parents are over protective like that. at first, months ago, my dad searched for the name "glisson" or somthing, and he ended up finding my responces to reviews for "windows CRAP" and didn't like that i was cursing, so he stopped letting me log in. of course, i still log in. i can still sneak logging in. cus i'm SNEAKY...

and i know that was too long. i'm suprised ANYONE read all of it.

Oh also, the messege under your avvy says the truth, kinda relating to 7isunlucky, even though he's twelve, I still have a hard time believing he is over the age of nine.

"under your avvy"

under my wat?

Your avvy, the picture of the plane, you know, above your job, location, age, and stuff.

o ya ^^

but i can't beleive 7 is any older than 9 either. he acts just as immature as my 9-year-old brother. i litterally mean that he's been acting as immature as my little brother.

Damnit, I've had enough of your faggotry. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything. And you seriously think you can repond maturely to this? In your dreams.

anyone with questions on why this guy is a faggoty just pm me. i'll provide some examples here:

krinkels told him to clean up his act and he just responed by flameing krinkels.

he spammed my previous post and is still angry at littleluckylink for not letting him back in neurossis.

he was even threatened with a ban by tom fulp himself.

Actually i dont want back in neurosis

also prove those other things

i think littleluckylink already has it covered below me.

It was on your website, you went into a bitchfit and deleted the guestbook, there is a picture of the posts on dorgushin's page.


I also laugh at how 7isunlucky says if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything, yet he has been flaming non stop for two months.


*sigh, fucking sigh*
you are so immature LLL. whatever i say no matter how immature, you always turn it against me. at least some people (eg me, delta66) can actually take insults. this will be the last of my comments

also ive noticed that when i ask you a reasonable question, rather than answer it, you just flame me.

so bye

reasonable question? you are so damn faggy.

words can't even attemt to describe your faggyness. screw you.

7isunlucky > you

wow, you are so fucking dumb.

Is this guy fucking stupid? 7isunlucky, you are a fucking dumb ass, you are sitting there trying to be cute and funny, you really don't make any since whatsoever. And I see YOU are trying to turn this on me. You are the one who fucked with my collab. And I havn't gone to any awkward lengths to try to get you back, hell, I never even 0'd any of your flashes, you know why? Because I have a life, friends, family, I have people. Unlike urchins like you sitting all day at a computer. If you are so "mature" as you stated, than why is it that for two months, you flamed non stop, even long after I kicked you out. And if you think the collab sucks so bad, why are you making a big deal about it? Why did you go for a fucking rant to make hate flashes against all of us, what was that gonna accomplish? I'll tell you the one being "immature" The little fucking anorexic computer urchin who must validate himself by boasting around the internet trying to find any way possible that he is better than someone, and who further more must take something like being kicked out of a collab ON THE INTERNET, to great lengths like a fucking ninja. "Oh hello Mr.Ninja, Are you here to kill me and avenge the death of your loved ones" "No! Fuck my family, you kicked me out of a collab, ON THE INTERNET!!!" *slice*
7isunlucky, or Andreas, because I am sick of typing 7isunlucky, you need to move on, you need to fucking forget about everything, if you are so good at animating such as you claim, than why don't you actually put effort into a project, and get a trophy, and front page?
Also, never compare yourself as to Delta, you will never be better than him. NEVER. Delta can take an insult, yet you, proceed to fuck everything up on the internet, whining like a little whiney bitch making blogs like "LLL IS GAY!" "HES SO MEEN, HE SAID I HAV TO GET A LYFE!!!!1!!!!111!!!"
And if you respond to this flaming me back, you are only doing what you said you wouldn't do in your recent post, thus validating yourself as, the biggest whiney bitch loser who wines on the INTERNET.
(Also, Muse rules.)

yeah, he is so damn faggy.

i liked your ninja immitation of him. "FUCK MY FAMILY! YOU KICKED ME OUT OF A COLLAB> ON THE INTERNETZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and muse does rule, espesialy their song "Knights of cydonia".

Hell yeah!
Knights of Cydonia rules.


thats my favorute song, and i was really happy to find that it was on guitar hero.



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